Adjust uspAPPostPayment on inserting records to tblCMBankTransaction

Issue No: AP-1440
Created 7/31/2015 1:13:58 AM
Type Task
Priority Major
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 15.3
Description {noformat}[intBankTransactionTypeID] = CASE WHEN LOWER((SELECT strPaymentMethod FROM tblSMPaymentMethod WHERE intPaymentMethodID = A.intPaymentMethodId)) = 'echeck' THEN 20 WHEN LOWER((SELECT strPaymentMethod FROM tblSMPaymentMethod WHERE intPaymentMethodID = A.intPaymentMethodId)) = 'ach' THEN 22 ELSE (SELECT TOP 1 intBankTransactionTypeId FROM tblCMBankTransactionType WHERE strBankTransactionTypeName = 'AP Payment') END,{noformat} ACH has the value of 22 on Bank Transaction Type