Customer failed update to 22.11.0712.21

Issue No: AP-10724
Created 7/12/2022 11:40:32 AM
Type Bug
Priority Blocker
Status Closed
Resolution Fixed
Fixed Version 22.1
Description *This issue relates to i21 Help Desk ticket:* [ HDTN-275056 - Please update customer environment with the latest RC build.|]     * *** Could not deploy package. * Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure uspLGCreateVoucherForInbound, Line 235 Invalid column name 'ysnOverrideTaxGroup'. * Error SQL72045: Script execution error. The executed script: * ALTER PROCEDURE uspLGCreateVoucherForInbound * @intLoadId INT, @intEntityUserSecurityId INT, @intBillId INT OUTPUT, @intType INT=1 * AS * BEGIN TRY * DECLARE @strErrorMessage AS NVARCHAR (4000); * DECLARE @intErrorSeverity AS INT; * DECLARE @intErrorState AS INT; * DECLARE @total AS INT; * DECLARE @intVendorEntityId AS INT; * DECLARE @intMinRecord AS INT; * DECLARE @voucherPayable AS VoucherPayable; * DECLARE @voucherPayableToProcess AS VoucherPayable; * DECLARE @voucherPayableTax AS VoucherDetailTax; * DECLARE @intTaxGroupId AS INT; * DECLARE @intAPAccount AS INT; * DECLARE @strLoadNumber AS NVARCHAR (100); * DECLARE @intPurchaseSale AS INT; * DECLARE @intAPClearingAccountId AS INT; * DECLARE @intShipTo AS INT; * DECLARE @intCurrencyId AS INT; * DECLARE @intShipmentStatus AS INT; * DECLARE @ysnAllowReweighs AS BIT = 0; * DECLARE @DefaultCurrencyId AS INT = dbo.fnSMGetDefaultCurrency('FUNCTIONAL'); * DECLARE @strFOBPoint AS NVARCHAR (50); * DECLARE @ * Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure uspLGCreateVoucherForInbound, Line 543 Invalid column name 'ysnOverrideTaxGroup'. * Error SQL72045: Script execution error. The executed script: * ALTER PROCEDURE uspLGCreateVoucherForInbound * @intLoadId INT, @intEntityUserSecurityId INT, @intBillId INT OUTPUT, @intType INT=1 * AS * BEGIN TRY * DECLARE @strErrorMessage AS NVARCHAR (4000); * DECLARE @intErrorSeverity AS INT; * DECLARE @intErrorState AS INT; * DECLARE @total AS INT; * DECLARE @intVendorEntityId AS INT; * DECLARE @intMinRecord AS INT; * DECLARE @voucherPayable AS VoucherPayable; * DECLARE @voucherPayableToProcess AS VoucherPayable; * DECLARE @voucherPayableTax AS VoucherDetailTax; * DECLARE @intTaxGroupId AS INT; * DECLARE @intAPAccount AS INT; * DECLARE @strLoadNumber AS NVARCHAR (100); * DECLARE @intPurchaseSale AS INT; * DECLARE @intAPClearingAccountId AS INT; * DECLARE @intShipTo AS INT; * DECLARE @intCurrencyId AS INT; * DECLARE @intShipmentStatus AS INT; * DECLARE @ysnAllowReweighs AS BIT = 0; * DECLARE @DefaultCurrencyId AS INT = dbo.fnSMGetDefaultCurrency('FUNCTIONAL'); * DECLARE @strFOBPoint AS NVARCHAR (50); * DECLARE @ * Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure uspLGCreateVoucherForInbound, Line 477 Invalid column name 'ysnOverrideTaxGroup'. * Error SQL72045: Script execution error. The executed script: * ALTER PROCEDURE uspLGCreateVoucherForInbound * @intLoadId INT, @intEntityUserSecurityId INT, @intBillId INT OUTPUT, @intType INT=1 * AS * BEGIN TRY * DECLARE @strErrorMessage AS NVARCHAR (4000); * DECLARE @intErrorSeverity AS INT; * DECLARE @intErrorState AS INT; * DECLARE @total AS INT; * DECLARE @intVendorEntityId AS INT; * DECLARE @intMinRecord AS INT; * DECLARE @voucherPayable AS VoucherPayable; * DECLARE @voucherPayableToProcess AS VoucherPayable; * DECLARE @voucherPayableTax AS VoucherDetailTax; * DECLARE @intTaxGroupId AS INT; * DECLARE @intAPAccount AS INT; * DECLARE @strLoadNumber AS NVARCHAR (100); * DECLARE @intPurchaseSale AS INT; * DECLARE @intAPClearingAccountId AS INT; * DECLARE @intShipTo AS INT; * DECLARE @intCurrencyId AS INT; * DECLARE @intShipmentStatus AS INT; * DECLARE @ysnAllowReweighs AS BIT = 0; * DECLARE @DefaultCurrencyId AS INT = dbo.fnSMGetDefaultCurrency('FUNCTIONAL'); * DECLARE @strFOBPoint AS NVARCHAR (50); * DECLARE @